Nearest airport to Side Turkey

The nearest airport to Side in Turkey is Antalya airport. The distance is 63,9 km, it takes 1 hour and 5 minutes by car. The other closest airport to Side is Alanya Gazipasa Airport. The distance is 110 km, the road takes 1 hour and 46 minutes.

Nearest airport to Side Turkey
Side Tours

As part of the question "What airports are close to Side Turkey" is it worth telling about the airport closest to the city. The closest airport to the city center is Antalya Airport, which is only 64 kilometers away and is called Antalya (AYT). The second longest airport from the city is Gazipasa Airport (GZP). Both airports are capable of serving both long-distance and international flights, which makes them very convenient. So, tourists from other countries will need only two hours of time to get from Antalya airport to the center of Side.

Side Turkey airport

Is there an airport in Side? This is a very important question for visitors to the city because of one important aspect: Side does not have its own airport and the question of how to get to the nearest airport in the city center is becoming very acute. Those travelers who do not want to be content with a passive beach vacation, but want to have a cultural and historical rest, come to this beautiful city. The incomparable beauty of Side lies in the fact that an amazing star city is located in close proximity to the beaches. Side is rightfully a huge archaeological zone in Turkey, which is also often called the "open-air museum". Young people and avid party-goers can also find something to their liking, because Side has such wonderful nightlife as Nympheon and Oxide. Travel-loving guests can be sure that they will participate in the most interesting excursions from Side.

Where is Side in Turkey

Side is a town connected to the city of Antalya and located 75 km east of the Mediterranean coast. Closest to Side is the city of Mangavat, which stretches only seven kilometers to the east. If you drive another 25 kilometers, you can see another popular resort, Belek, which is traditionally considered the most expensive and luxurious resort in the whole country. The resort Alanya is located 60 kilometers east of Side, and Antalya, famous among tourists, is 75 kilometers west.

Side area

Side is a picturesque Turkish resort that is constantly gaining momentum in popularity with foreign tourists. Nestled comfortably on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, it never ceases to amaze with its natural beauty and well-developed tourist infrastructure with pristine beaches. In the immediate vicinity of Side there are several villages that are also considered part of the resort system, namely Colakli, Kumkoy, Sorgun, Kizilagac, Kizilot. In order to comfortably explore all the iconic locations, it is recommended to book a Side tours.

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